Mapleson Breathing Systems
A Mapleson Breathing Curcuit is an anesthetic breathing circuit in which the fresh flow is used to remove exhaled carbon dioxide.

Mapleson a (MAGIL CIRCUIT)
In this type of circuit the expiratory valve is kept close to face mask, separated by corrugated tube from reservoir bag and supply of fresh gases. This circuit is also known as Magill circuit.


Mapleson B
In this type of circuit the expiratory valve and supply of fresh gases is kept to close facemask, separated by corrugated tube from reservoir bag.

Mapleson C
In this type of circuit the expiratory valve and supply of fresh gases and reservoir bag, are all kept close to face mask..

Mapleson D (Coaxial Bain)
In this type of circuit the supply of fresh gases is close to face mask, separated by corrugated tube from reservoir bag and expiratory valve. This circuit is also known as Coaxial Bain System.

Mapleson E (Infant T-piece and Ayres T-piece Without Bag)
In this type of circuit the supply of fresh gases is kept close to face mask, Separated by an open length of corrugated tube without any reservoir bag or expiratory valve.

Mapleson F (jackson Rees)
In this type of circuit the supply of fresh gases is close to face mask, separated by corrugated tube from Reservoir bag with expiratory port,and this circuit does not have a expiratory valve. This type of sircuit is also known as Jackson Rees System. it is basically a modification of Infant T Piece and ayres T-Piece with bag.

  LS-BS-21-303 Mapleson F (Ayres T-piece) 106 Metre, 10mm corrugated tube fresh gas line with 15mm male connector and spare 22mm female dapter, with 0.5 Litre open tail reservoir bag and double swivel elbow with elastomeric suction cap
  LS-BS-21-306 Mapleson F (Ayres T-piece) 2.1 Metre Star Lumen tube (fresh gas line) with 22mm connector, with 1.0 Litre T-Tap vented reservoir bag and double swivel elbow with elastometric suction cap
  LS-BS-20-307 Mapleson D (Bain System ) 1.6 Metre, 2 Litre reservoir Bag and Adult APL Valve
  LS-BS-20-309 Mapleson D (Bain System ) 5.4 Metre, 2 Litre reservoir Bag and Adult APL Valve
  LS-BS-20-310 Magill System (Mapleson A) 22mm corrugated 1.6 metre long fresh gas tube, with 2 Litre reservoir bags and adult apl valve
  LS-BS-20-312 Adult Bagging System (Mapleson C) 10mm corrugated 1.6 Metre long fresh gas tube with 2 litre reservoir bag and Adult APL valve
  LS-BS-20-315 paediatric Bagging System (Mapleson C) 10mm corrugated 1.6 Metre fresh gas tube with 0.5 Litre reservoir bag and paediatric APL


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